The Ying Tong that we recommended below offer benefits such as good business / career, charisma, fortune, harmony, peace, protection from harm e.g. black magic, evil spirits, backstabbers, hypocrites, office politics & etc & saneh. They are not categorized under barangs items. In fact, Ying Tong is one of the highly-regarded Devas in ancient history records of Buddhism. Further, traditional designed of Ying Yong - man & woman represents a balance of Ying & Yang energies. There have been numerous positive feedback from our clients.
Ying Tong are strongly encouraged to be chow from those seeking improvements in establishing, building & maintaining their existing / new relationships with others e.g. couples, family members, relatives, friends, colleagues, subordinates, superiors, customers, business partners & etc.
Ying Tong are strongly encouraged to be chow from those seeking improvements in establishing, building & maintaining their existing / new relationships with others e.g. couples, family members, relatives, friends, colleagues, subordinates, superiors, customers, business partners & etc.
Price: SGD $ 60 ~
Description: LP Up is well-known for his Mae Ham Phim amulets. There are numerous yants scribed on it & temple seal & soil are shown underneath.
Price: SGD $ 90 ~
Description: There are numerous yants scribed on it.
LP Vichai (Wat Autumporam)
Price: SGD $ 65 ~
Description: LP Vichai is well-known for his metta amulets. The white string that was tied around the Ying Tong was the one used by LP Vichai to bless couples who visited him for blessings.
Ying Tong Amulet (gold color plated)
Price: SGD $ 30 ~
Description: This authentic Ying Tong is made of holy & scarce metal, ten years & above back from temple, not recent.
Ying Tong Amulet (gold color plated)
Price: SGD $ 30 ~
Description: This authentic Ying Tong is made of holy & scarce metal, five years & above back from temple, not recent.